BOPDHB Checkup December 2017 | Page 26

Has it only been a year ?

Creating our Culture , Listening Week , In Your Shoes , In Our Shoes , in Leaders ’ Shoes , these were phrases that 13 months ago had not really entered our vocabularies .
Other phrases like BUILD , ABC , Broken Windows , Puppies and Kittens , STRONG coaching tool , Up Thinking , 5 times more positives than negatives were also new to our organisational lexicon .
Following the successful Staff Engagement workshop in May 2016 , Creating our Culture burst into our world on 28 November 2016 and it ’ s true to say we started a movement .
Over “ Listening Week ”, “ Leading with Values in February ” and “ Mop up in May ”, 37 sessions were held across both sites with 2152 staff bookings plus 80 patients , families and whānau , 1826 surveys were completed ( 1537 by staff , 289 by patients ).
At the time we wrote “ there was feeling that the sessions were great , they were really enjoyable although at times confronting , but there was a relief the staff and patients were being heard , and we were well on the way on our quest to Create our Culture ”.
One of the most visible impacts of Creating our Culture was a change to our CARE values . Attitude became All-one-team and the concept of Manaakitanga was integrated as well as behaviours we want to see more ( and less ) of .
Then in August , another round of new words was introduced when the values-based recruitment sessions were held . Screener reports , question bank , success profile and candidate interview record are part of our process and culture now as we strive to attract and recruit staff that share our values .
Part of our focus on Creating our Culture includes our speaking up model which is BUILD , being able to have difficult conversations in the moment . This is important as we want people to have the tools and the ability to speak up when they ’ re uncomfortable about something , when something hasn ’ t gone right . That can also include speaking up when things don ’ t seem right on things like expenses , claims , use of DHB resource .
So what ’ s in store for 2018 ?
A focus for 2018 will be Tackling Inappropriate Behaviour . BUILD gave staff a process to use when to give feedback in situations they found unacceptable . We want to give staff more opportunity to learn and practice BUILD in the early part of next year .
In our May workshops staff helped create resources for colleagues about a range of positive and negative behaviours that people can experience in the workplace . Click on this link or follow – ( https :// view . joomag . com / creating-a-safe-happy-respectful-workplace / M0144710001513107756 ) to read the first version of this booklet . We would like to use this information as the first step to develop safer pathways ; to tackle inappropriate behaviour . Email engage @ bopdhb . govt . nz and tell us what you think about the information .
Hand in hand with “ speaking up ” in the moment is to implement a process that can respond appropriately and respectfully to a reported event . This is an important step that is important to people .
At the time of Checkup going to print , we were completing a survey to track how we were performing after our first year of Creating our Culture . The results of this will be back by January and shared with staff . The survey results will help us plan for the year .
In 2018 there will be further work on the communication , performance appraisals and staff development work streams plus developing a Creating our Culture education calendar .
In January we will be distributing the name badges . The badges were recommended from the Staff and Engagement Reunion workshop and are in addition to the access / security cards .
Compassion All-one-team
Responsive Excellence
