BOOM April Issue 16 | Page 34

B E AU T Y T I P S Skin hacks every woman need to know today! A woman's skin goes through several changes over the years. Thanks to years of makeup and excessive use of products, your skin goes through dryness, flakiness, loss of elasticity, dullness and a host of other problems. Help is at hand though. Here's what will help. *Don't think that just because you're no longer a teenager, you can bid goodbye to the problems of acne and pimples. Adult acne is very much prevalent and more common that you imagine. If you get a bad breakout, it is best to visit a dermatologist but if the pimples come now and then, zap them with special medicated gels that will dry them out before they get out of hand. Alternatively, if you're really desperate, dab some toothpaste on the zit overnight and see it dry up by morning. *Use petroleum jelly on your elbows and heels every night before you go to bed. This will soften your heels and lighten the dark patches on your elbows. *Instead of using a face scrub with chemicals, make your own homemade one with sugar and honey. Take a teaspoon of honey and mix two tablespoons of sugar. Use this as a natural face scrub twice a week and see how your skin glows.- Stick to washing your face twice a day. Washing it multiple times will only strip it of moisture and essential oils, leaving it dry and prone to flakiness. *Use baby lotion to cleanse your skin every day. This is gentle enough for your face and will leave it soft and supple. *While applying sunscreen on your face and arms/ legs is a must, don't forget your decolletage. Sun damage can make this area look saggy and cause wrinkles, not to mention dark spots. Ways to pamper yourself S ometimes you have to pamper yourself; especially when you are in a rut, bored, stressed and feeling low. Gifting yourself a beauty treatment will lift your mood instantly and make you feel special. Says beauty expert Amyn Manji, "There's nothing more soothing to the senses than going for a facial or a hair makeover." Go for a hot oil hair massage: The perfect way to release stress, hot-oil treatment works wonders for your hair as well. A weekly hot-oil therapy reduces hair loss and dandruff also. Swedish massage: A full-body massage, it has five styles of long, flowing strokes. This massage is beneficial for increasing Oxygen levels in your blood, decreasing muscle tension, improving flexibility and circulation, and also easing tension. Hair makeover: It's one of the best ways to perk yourself up. Says Nikos Narkissos, "Go for a peppy haircut that will make you look different. If you have short hair, make it shorter or add hair extensions. If you have long hair, add more lay- ers to it or simply cut it short." Manicure and pedicure: Get these done once every fortnight. Mani and pedi have more advantages than just giving you beautiful and clean nails. They take care of your hands and feet, and keep them healthy and glowing for a long time. These treatments also nourish the skin, prevent it from drying out and remove dead skin cells. Hair spa: It's a great way to release everyday stress and tension, and feel rejuvenated. Says Manji, "If you want something more than just a head massage, go for hair spa. It not only lends shine to your hair, but also relaxes you. The treatment also includes hair masks, which make your hair healthy." Back and foot massage: If you've been feeling tired lately, go in for a back or foot massage. It involves pressure therapy - that is, applying focussed pressure on certain reflex points in your foot to cure or prevent diseases. This helps release stress, aches and also nourishes your skin. 34 | BOOM