Bookshelf 2017-2018 Finished Catalog | Page 123

What is the best ways for consumers to prolong the life of their Poinsettias

What is the best ways for consumers to prolong the life of their Poinsettias

• Protect them from exposure to wind or cold , as they are highly sensitive to cold temperatures . Even just a few moments of exposure to the wind and cold can cause them to wilt .
• Be sure that there are no hot or cold drafts in the place you choose to display your poinsettias .
• Place in a location that receives natural light and temperatures that stay between 60 – 70 degrees .
• Water when the soil begins to dry , keeping the soil moist , not soggy .
• Remove any wrap or pot cover when watering so extra water can drain out and not cause the plant to sit in water , which increases your plants chances of developing certain root