Book samples The Curious Sign | Page 20

CS-2016-txt-ART.indd 18 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in 18 THE CURIOUS SIGN OF THE MANGER Review copy only—not for distribution. It’s a book that is chock-a-block full of signs and warnings and prophecies, and for me during my early years as a Christian the Bible was like a huge million-piece jigsaw puzzle that I was challenged to solve. Of course, I didn’t have anywhere near the tools I needed to find all the solutions, but the basic big message was clear, and I cottoned on to that one pretty quickly. In the part of the Bible known as the New Testament, the writers make it clear that God has sent his one and only Son to us. He sent him to live a life of obedience that I could never live. More than that, he sent him to die in my place. God sent his son as a sacrifice to secure the forgiveness I needed because of my self-obsession and my rejection of the God who loved and created me. The Son of God was sent to live among us with the task of repairing my broken relationship with God the Father, and to rescue me from the judgement that I genuinely deserved from him. The biography (or Gospel or ‘good news’) of Jesus written by John in the Bible is crystal clear on this point: 12/09/2016 1:02 PM