Bonitas Member Magazine B-Living Issue 3 | Page 8



Have a question for the doctor ? Email us at magazine @ afrocentricds . com and your question could feature in the next issue of B-Living .
Good day Hi Doc
I am a 34-year old plagued with nightmares and therefore I do not rest well . I am also overweight and even though I watch what I eat , I cannot seem to lose weight . My GP kept on changing my pill because I do not menstruate regularly . I then consulted a herbalist who diagnosed that my cortisol levels are dangerously low . How can I get my cortisol levels back to normal as I am sure this is the cause of all my problems ?
Hope to hear from you soon . Chantal
Hi Chantal
Your body ’ s endocrine system includes the adrenal gland which makes several important hormones . One of these is cortisol which helps the body respond to stress . Cortisol also regulates your heart rate and blood pressure , keeps your blood glucose high enough to provide energy and modifies your immune system to prevent inflammation and other immune responses . Low cortisol can be caused by a problem in the adrenals themselves or in another part of the body .
I suggest you first establish if low cortisol levels are the cause of your concerns . Your GP will be able to assist you with a blood test to determine what your cortisol levels are and if there is any reason for concern .
Because the endocrine system is so complex , your symptoms may be as a result of changing your pill or a number of other concerns . You may also benefit from regular exercise , a balanced diet and relaxing activities such as yoga or spending time with friends as this will assist with stress management and help improve your sleep .
I am 25 years old and I am new to this medical aid . I joined BonFit and read that I have a free wellness check every year , but I don ’ t understand what that is . Please help explain this to me .
Regards Zandile
Dear Zandile
Welcome to the Bonitas family . You ’ re definitely right ! We offer a free wellness screening for each member once a year on all our plans .
The wellness screening is made up of carefully selected tests to help you get a clear picture of your health . These tests are the first step in detecting serious chronic conditions such as hypertension , heart disease and diabetes . It includes the following tests :
• A blood pressure test
• A blood glucose test
• A cholesterol test
• A BMI test , and
• A waist-to-hip ratio measurement
You can complete your wellness screening at a corporate wellness day or a Dis-Chem , Clicks or Pick n Pay pharmacy . All tests must be done at the same time .
The Wellness Extender can be used to pay for extra consultations with a GP , biokineticist , dietician or physiotherapist or a programme to stop smoking . These consultations will all be paid at the Bonitas Rate .
Disclaimer : The advice included above is for information purposes only . It is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor or medical practitioner . We strongly urge you to consult with your family practitioner before embarking on a health treatment or programme . All information has been checked by a Bonitas Clinical advisor .
Page 7 B-Living Issue 3 , 2017