BNG MAG® December/January 2015 (Vol.-1/Issue-3 | Page 14

I’ve always loved music since I can remember. All music and not just exclusive to just urban music. I can remember trying to scratch my grandmother’s records as a kid and I used to get in trouble a lot. I’ve had my equipment since 2007 or 2008 as a gift from my parents. I started taking it serious when I was in college and from there I’ve been progressing since. When I first started DJing, I looked up to guys like DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ QBert, and DJ Drama. There are plenty more but those are the guys I look up to the most. Jazzy Jeff has the respect, swagger, and skill that I hope to have. QBert has done so many amazing things that set him apart from other turntablist and I hope to be able to turn up on the tables like him one day. Drama has been a very influential presence in the streets and industry. I’ve never met QBert or Jazz but I’ve met Drama plenty times before and even rocked a show with him and been on tour with him. Since I started taking DJing serious my life hasn’t really changed much. I just work around the clock now. If I am not working at a party, I’m at home working on my next move. My friends and family still view me the same but they are proud of me and keep my grounded. I still have to get used to people thinking I’m a big deal. I’m just a guy trying to live out a dream. What’s some advice you would give to those who want to begin DJing? DJ BLAK BOY THE TURNTABLIST 14. |THE ROAD TO SUCCESS, BEGINS WITH A SKILL| - From the “Gospel of Hip Hop,” JAN. 31, p.393 Practice your craft everyday and make sure you are in it for the right reasons. Don’t lose track of focus because of shortcomings because they are a part of the path to greatness. It’s all about perseverance and consistency. With those qualities, the possibilities are endless. Also don’t focus so much on competition, because running your own race will help you efficiently win the race.