Blythe Living Magazine Issue No. 2 | Page 5

One of the reasons why I wanted an interactive magazine (other than sharing amazing websites, videos, and your awesome Instagram accounts) is because I've noticed that sometimes we can just scroll through social media without really paying attention. We might be looking but not reading or really observing. I don't want this magazine to be like social media. The reason why I encourage the Blythe community to participate here is so that we can all get to know each other! If you've been to a Blythe event before, then you know how people often already have their little groups and it seems a bit intimidating to talk to others. I want this magazine to bring us together so when we meet in person (because at some point or another we really might!), we can be one big group. That is why your participation here is so important!

Let's make this community one of unity, support and kindness. Let's find out what else we have in common, we already know one thing!

Enjoy the read, my friends! I hope you have fun & I can't wait to see the photos you'll post of your dolls reading!