Blue Umbrella Official Blue Umbrella Summer Issue | Page 8

Th e M od er n A r t ist In t er view by: Sam m y C. Ar t ist : Car issa N. Last year, I met a beautiful person whom I am now able to call my online best friend. Being a very talented artist from Singapore (though currently living in Thailand), 16- year- old Carissa Faith N. is sharing with us her art story and some advice which has helped her grow to be the modern artist she is today. When did you start drawing? I've been drawing since I was very young, probably around the age of two or three years old. However, when I was 13- years- old I decided that I wanted to get better at my art and to be the best I could be. I have been sharing my art online for about two or three years now. I would describe my art as fun and colorful, though it continues to improve. What has inspired your art? When I was younger I saw two artists?one was Viria and the other Burdge?that made me realize I had a long way to go. Other things influenced me through time like anime, web comics (mostly from Asia), animation and character illustration style. Thanks to that my current art is now very much inspired by anime, semi- realism, and animation. What art techniques have you used? I do digital art and also use watercolor, markers, ink, acrylic, oil, colored pencils, pen and pencil, and gouache art. What technique is your favorite, and why? My favorite art mediums include: digital art because of convenience; even though it is still hard, there are a lot of things you can work on differently than in traditional art. I love how free watercolor is, you can only control it to certain extent, but it can put together really nice effects if used correctly. I like the fun colors of markers, they are also very relaxing to use and to blend, it's like controlled watercolor. My most common art medium is pen and pencil: it is simple, quick, and easy to use.