Blue Umbrella Official Blue Umbrella Summer Issue | Page 17

Where Does Summer Vacation Come From? By Nat han V. The majority of us at AOA are starting to finish up our lessons for the year. Many of us have already completed this year?s studies and have started work on our review units. With the end of the school year in sight, it is fair to assume that most of us are eager for the break (At least, I am). In view of this fact, many of us would have a good answer to the question ?Why do we have summer break?? Most would say, "We need a break from school, after all!" However, let me ask you another question, "How did summer break start?" It all began with stiflingly hot cities and strikingly incorrect information. In the late 1800's, before air conditioners came into public use, cities were so swelteringly hot during the summer, many urban families who could afford to would spend the summer on vacation in the countryside. At first glance, this fact might not seem so strange?most of us go somewhere during summer break. The bizarreness starts to sink in, however, when one learns that students in America used to be able to attend school all-year-round. School was completely optional at the time, so while students generally attended from fall to spring, most of them effectively took a summer break regardless of the school calendar. The heat of the city was only one factor in the formation of summer break, though; staggeringly incorrect information about the student?s mind also aided in its creation. Proponents of summer vacation stated that the student?s brain would actually be harmed if that student stayed in school for too long. Despite how much we students may wish that were true, I think we all know deep down that students only really need a few weeks of downtime. Yet surprisingly, the argument that students need three months to recover from the school year was actually convincing to Congress! The argument that students need a quarter of the year off from school, combined with the unbearable heat of the summer, caused schools to shorten the academic year and thereby allow a summer break. This started around the beginning of the 20th century. However, both of these points are now irrelevant ? we have air conditioning during the summer, and we no longer believe that students need so long of a break. Some schools have already eliminated summer break in favor of several shorter breaks throughout the year. Long summer breaks may end somewhat soon, so let?s all enjoy them while we have them!