Blue Umbrella Official Blue Umbrella Summer Issue | Page 10

Church Ca mp Su r v ey By Rebek ah V. A few months ago, Blue Umbrella needed ah the V. help Wor ds: Rebek from AOA students on a quick survey about mission trips and church camps. Responses started rolling in and it was amazing to see all the answers students gave! Some of the questions in the survey asked if you had ever been on a mission trip or to a church camp and if you were planning on attending or going on this summer. Most of the students answering had been and are planning on going this summer. For those who had been, they said their favorite part about it was being able to spend time with friends and making new ones too. Along with favorite memories, students said that they enjoyed participating in and leading the various activities and games. They also liked hearing the ? W e al l h ave a stor y, an d w e al l h ave a God - si zed h ol e i n ou r l i ves th at can on ly be f i l l ed by Jesu s.? messages. Students also enjoyed working to spread the Gospel with others and helping those in need. The two biggest questions of the survey asked what students had learned on the trip or at the camp and if they were able to grow in their faith in God. The students jumped on these questions, and added some great words and insight! Those who learned from their trips and camps said that they learned to ?better share the Gospel with others? and to ?serve cheerfully.? One student even learned that they were called into youth ministry! Another student spoke of their mission trip to Belize and said ?the people are more laid back and are less concerned with the small, almost meaningless details,? >