BLAZE Magazine Winter 2013 | Page 13

How to Beat the Winter Blues By Whitney W. Hurt C ing clothes. With layering you will have If you have a tendency to have cold complete control of how warm or cold feet, there are a couple of options in addition to the ones mentioned you are. above. You can purchase boots with Dress next in large, wind-breaking warmers or you can simply attach a neck over clothes, including pants and warmer, the self adhesive kind you puryour jacket. They should be camou- chase in any local drug store, to the top flaged specifically to your cold weather of your foot and this will ensure nice and conditions. There are many options and toasty feet throughout your hunt. they can be purchased at any hunting or Remember even if your clothes feel warm sporting goods store in your area. enough when you step outside, you will Remember to dress your hands and be out in the winter elements for extendStarting at the top: cover your head! feet the same way you do your body. ed periods of time and often motionless. Wear a