BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Winter 2017 | Page 34

Is Your Partner Cheating? Beware of These 5 Warning Signs

"A woman's intuition is very rarely wrong"

By | K. Carls

There are 3 key things to look for if you are suspecting your partner is cheating - change, secrecy, and attitude. In this article, I will break these 3 things down into more specific examples of warning signs to watch out for in your partner. Here are 5 common warning signs:

1. Computer Usage. Is your partner on his/her computer more often than usual? Do they tend to "exit" out of it, or fold their laptop lid down, when you walk in the room? Do they frequently stay up late, after you've gone to bed, on the computer maybe telling you that they are playing a game or doing something work-related? Do they have their computer password protected?

2. Out More. Does your partner seem to be out more these days? Are they staying late at work more frequently than they used to? Do they run more "errands" these days? And how long do the "errands" keep them out? Longer than they should? Basically, does your partner seem to look for reasons to get out of the house?

3. Hygiene. Does your partner have a sudden change in hygiene? Are they making more of an effort to look, or even smell good when they go out (without you), whether it be to "run errands" or going to work, etc.? Maybe they are all of a sudden wanting to lose a few pounds? Are they coming home and showering right away?

4. Treating You. Is there any change in how your partner is treating you? Are you arguing more? Is he/she storming out of the house a lot (and maybe staying out for awhile when they do)? Does he/she seem to pick the fights? Or maybe it's the opposite in the way they are treating they've got you on a pedestal? Is he/she giving you "just because" gifts all of a sudden? (I know, you don't want to believe in your partner cheating when they are buying you gifts!)

5. Intimacy. Has the intimacy with you and your partner changed in any way? Has he/she shown a lack of interest in sex? Or maybe he/she wants to try new things that they've never talked with you about before when it comes to sex? Does your partner suddenly seem to lack interest in touching you in other ways such as hand-holding, kissing, hugging, etc.?

Is your partner cheating if you've answered yes to any (or all) of these questions? No, not necessarily but trust your instincts and be on alert. It is a good idea to get some real proof though before accusing your partner of anything. Yes, these are common warning signs for cheating but please keep in mind that your partner may just have other things going on that is making them act a certain way, so talk to them but in a non-accusing sort of way if the proof isn't there. Good luck!


In a 1991 study, sex researcher Shere Hite found that 70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a 1993 follow-up study found that 72 percent of married men have as well. According to a 2004 University of Chicago study, 25 percent of married men have had at least one extramarital affair.


34 BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine/Winter 2017