BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 10 | Page 7



Should I care if I don't have the password?

Dear Love Bug,

I have been married for 2 years and my husband will not allow me to have the password to his cell phone or email. While I do not suspect he is cheating, I just don't understand why he will not share this information with me. He has my passwords and can check my accounts whenever he feels like it.


Access Denied

Dear Access Denied,

This is becoming more of a challenge in many relationships because we do live in a digital world. While having passwords to emails and cell phones does not guarantee fidelity, it does provide a sense of security. However, having that much access can lead to the person snooping just to ENSURE there are no signs of infidelity. No you should not care if you do not have the password because many people have more than one phone as well as more than one email. At the end of the day you must ask yourself why you really want access and is it worth an argument or pushing your partner into a corner. You should also note that it's not about hiding anything, but more or less about drawing a line with our privacy; especially with email. Right now we are working with small pieces of scrap in an era where privacy is null and void. Enjoy love as it was meant to be...shared and embraced.

Do you have a question that you would like The Love Bug to answer? Send it to [email protected].