BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 10 | Page 46

Do Men Need HELP Too? A Realistic View Into the Lives of Men Today By Brenda E McLean (cont.)

So you see, what I am trying to say here is that men, your man, my man or anyone's man tends to work hard to do whatever they think you need them to do to make you happy... So when "the bough breaks" what do they have to fall back on if there is no support system in place? And, don't for one moment think that I am not smart enough to know that men also fool around and abuse women.

But that is not what this article is all about... We can save that topic for another day... But for now, I am only referring to men who are considered to be of good character, trying every way they know how to take care of their families in a struggling economy. This is what I have stated throughout this article. With that being said, I would like to speak to women of good character that care about the men in their lives (husbands, brothers, fathers, sons, etc.). I am not saying that you need to take up the torture stake and run with it yourself; but what I am saying is for you to consider doing something good, something meaningful or something that makes a difference to someone you care about. Sometimes men lose their way... Show them the way if you in fact know how you can help them to turn a failing situation around. Show them a measure of good character, build up a good support system for the special man in your life. If and when you do what I am saying here, it will speak volumes and both of your lives will be the better for it.

Article Credit: Brenda McLean

Author/Writer - Giving you the best, don't settle for anything less

-Women are more likely to come back on the dating market because of divorce and a longer expected life span.

-Not as many women are looking for the picket fence and two cars. Now companionship, travel, and fun are coming to the forefront.

-Women may also want a man with a less-developed career who could follow her or take care of children, if that is a factor.

-For their part, younger men often find older women more interesting, experimental, fun to talk to, financially settled, and more adept sexually.

But what about the notion that men are "hard-wired" to seek a smooth-faced, curvy receptacle for reproduction and thus are drawn to younger women? "Humans are relatively flexible species," Michael R. Cunningham, PhD, a psychologist in the department of communications at the University of Louisville, tells WebMD. "Factors other than biological can be attractive. You can override a lot of biology in pursuit of other goals."

Interestingly, Cunningham did an unpublished study of 60 women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, who were shown pictures of men aged to those decades. "The women," he says, "were more interested in men their own age or older."

As for the men, he says: "I guess it could be nice not to hang around a ditz with no knowledge of music or something like that."

Pretty Promising Material Out There

Winter is upbeat about the younger generations. "The boomers are lost sheep," she says. "All they can do to get a woman is dangle their Porsche keys." As you peel back the decades, though, the men get "cooler," she says. Guys in their 30s get her vote. "They grew up with AIDS, they are considerate. Such men (at least the ones interested in older women) are stable and mature. They don't want to be mothered. They want a woman who knows who she is."

Still, even Winter admits, this may not be for everyone.

Older Woman/Younger Man Relationships (cont)