BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 09 | Page 36


Just "Be A Man" About It...

By: Steve Bunyan - Life Coach

Ok, so how do you do that?

Here are my top 19 ways to be man.

#1 Believe in yourself

If you don’t believe in yourself, she won’t either. It’s that simple. Don’t fake it, just do whatever it takes to believe in you as a genuine and attractive guy.

#2 Be friendly

When you’re out and about meeting people, be friendly, upbeat and cheerful. Have a smile on your face and walk tall. Be genuinely pleased to meet people, regardless of who they are. Make time to say hello to everyone you meet and really make an effort to look for the good in them. Being friendly does not include buying people things just to gain their attention, running errands for them “to be nice”, or being their personal servant. These things are not friendly, they are just plain needy.

#3 Be congruent

Whoever you are, whatever you do, however you dress, behave, or present yourself; be real. Genuinely be the person you are claiming to be and presenting to the world. Only say things if you really mean them. Use only your own words and terminology and wear clothes that express who you really are – the real you. Don’t be tempted to copy others, be yourself. Every one of us is a unique and fascinating human being when we take the time to be who we really are. And anyone who tells you this isn’t true, is just plain wrong!

#4 Be confident

From a woman’s perspective, confidence is one of the most attractive qualities a man can ever possess. (If you doubt this just go and ask a few women you know). A confident man is very sexy to women. So decide who you are, be yourself, be confident about that and make it your goal to do whatever it takes to have rock-solid confidence.

#5 Be strong

You may have heard people say “be strong” before, but again, as a guy your interpretation of what strong is may be very different to that of a woman. Women want guys who are mentally and emotionally strong. Yes of course, they like men with physical strength too, but it’s not a substitute for mental and emotional strength in the eyes of a woman. She wants a guy who can make her feel safe, wanted, needed, loved and protected. So, develop the ability to rise above dramas and crises. Learn to take whatever life throws at you in your stride and take the burden for her too. Be cool and calm when everyone else is completely losing it – especially her!

#6 Be spontaneous

Routine is not sexy. Doing the same thing all the time is boring. Knowing what someone is going to say or do, before they say or do it, is as dull as dishwater. Always going to the same restaurant, always wearing your favorite shirt, always going through the same routine in the bedroom and even buying her the same flowers on the same day every week will have her yawning rapidly – and probably paying attention to other guys too.

Just like you, women want excitement in their lives and you will never bore her into being attracted to you! So, be a little unpredictable; mix things up, do something she could never have imagined in a million years and do that at times which are also unpredictable too. It doesn’t need to be expensive, extravagant, or flamboyant, but it does need to show that you thought and care about the way she feels.

#7 Be fun

It always makes me smile when single people on dating sites list themselves as looking for a “serious relationship”. Why the hell don’t they want a fun one!? Women love to laugh.