BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 09 | Page 24

Get Anything You Want By Changing Your Thinking! (cont.)

By: Doug Allan Dammeier

and more money to come into your life. You now consciously "shift" your thinking away from what you don't have and concentrate on what you want. You concentrate on being grateful for all the good things that are on their way to you. Even though they may not be here yet you know in your mind they are coming to you. When you constantly are thinking and focusing on more money coming to you guess what happens? More good things, opportunities, and money begin to show up in your life.

You are no longer focusing all your thoughts on what you don't have and what a struggle your life is. You get what you think about. You're now focusing on the good things in your life and you're open to receive the abundance that is on its way to you. You have "shifted" your thinking from the bad to the good and this is very powerful. This opens you up to the laws of attraction and they begin to work in your life.


What you have just read is very powerful information. You may never have been exposed to this way of thinking. Don't feel bad, because most people have never been taught to think this way. We've all heard of thinking positively, but learning about the laws of attraction are much deeper and more powerful than positive thinking. If you can "see" the truth in this way of thinking and can "shift" your daily thoughts to focus on the good things you now have and expect more to come to you then you must take time to learn more about this new way of thinking.

There are many books and websites that will help you to grow. You need to read and learn. This short article cannot provide you with all you need to make these changes. It's difficult to think this way throughout your day, but the more you do it the easier it gets. You will eventually think this way all the time and at that point your life is changing drastically.

We concentrated on attracting money into our lives in this article but this way of thinking will work in all areas of your life. It has totally changed my life in 2 short years. My financial situation, my family life, and my health have all improved. I went from always thinking about what I didn't have in my life to being grateful for what I do have and all that keeps coming to me. My daily attitude is different and my life will never be the same.

And this beautiful way of thinking is available to you anytime you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of your present life. Read and learn more and begin changing your life now.

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Top 5 Reasons to Sing Out Your Stress

By: Linda Dessau

Singing is our birthright! Singing is a natural and pure expression of how glad we feel to be alive, and the way we show our love of music. Here are my top five reasons to sing out your stress:

1. To connect with your body: We sing with our whole bodies. Because singing is so connected to breathing,, singing helps us "be in our bodies" and let go of the thinking (or worrying) we do much of the day. Singing can be a joyful activity and can release endorphins (those feel-good chemicals that the body creates).

2. To connect with yourself: Meditative toning, singing along to a favorite song or simply humming to yourself are all ways to tap into your inner landscape and see what's going on in there.

3. To connect with others: Singing with other people - in meditation, prayer, at a sing-along, at a concert, or even over the telephone or internet - helps us experience in a very deep way that we are all truly connected.

4. To express your feelings: Many times a singer, songwriter or composer has expressed our feelings in a way we could never have - if there's a song that expresses what you want or need to say, try singing along (keep in mind that this is just for you and it's not about "sounding good").

5. To boost your good feelings: Whatever you focus on, you'll invite more of into your life. You can choose uplifting, joyful and celebratory songs to sing.

So sing out! Be proud of your own unique voice. Experiment with what works for you - keep a journal of what you notice in your mind and body when you sing specific songs. Then you can choose the right song for the right moment and make use of the power of singing in your own life.