BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 08 | Page 23

Above 3 inches

Some 3.5 to 4-inch heels will have a straight drop down to the front portion of the shoe putting increased pressure on the forefeet. That is bad for your feet as it overloads the weight on your toes and balls of your feet. Such heels should be worn only occasionally and are definitely not suited for walking as it’s likely to cause foot problems with prolonged usage.

Arch Support

Those who have noticed their sole lays flat on the ground may have excessive movements in their foot joints. This condition is known as flat feet and wearing high heels may feel comfortable as they put your feet in an arched position. However, it’s best to avoid excessively high heels for unstable joints. Similarly, it’s better for people with stable joints to wear lower heels, as long as they are supportive to their arches.

If you choose the right pair of shoes for your feet, painful foot conditions could be avoided. In fact, you could enjoy wearing your heels all day without any problems. A sound advice would be to also avoid wearing anything too flat or too high for extended hours to prevent any damage to your joints and soft tissue structures.

It’s very tempting to wear that pair of stilettos on party night but going through the same excruciating pain every time you wear high heels could be a sign that you need help. The “long legs” effect is temporal, where the damaging effects of high heels on your back, hips, knees and feet may be long term.

The common complaint is pain. Its source could be from your bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascia, toenail beds, nerves, blood vessels, or even skin.

Considering where the location of your pain and with a thorough assessment of your body, experts can understand and nail the root of your problems.

Courtesy: Osteopathy Singapore