BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 05 | Page 27


BLAQUELINE: A few of the things that I have heard in many of your interviews is mentoring and family. How important is family to you in terms of finding peace?

LOBEL: Most people don’t know what a mentor is. I do a lot of motivational speaking. People need to have someone to look up to. Find someone you want to be like and study them. As far as family, I admit I got caught up in the hype. I missed out on a lot of family opportunities. I can’t get those back. My mom passed away and I regret it. I now try to make time for my family. I’m not married, no children.

BLAQUELINE: Have you let love enter your life yet?

LOBEL: I am an eligible bachelor and have worked hard to set up everything that I have. It’s hard to find someone equal to me or on my same level. I did the Millionaire Matchmaker twice. But I am single and do not date much. I am open for a relationship.

BLAQUELINE: You are working on a book called “The Coach Lasts Longer Than The Player.” How is that going and tell us a little more about it?

LOBEL: I still trying to figure it all out. But I want to do a hardcover for the older generation and maybe a mobile app for the younger generation. I am deciding if I want it to be a management book, a do’s and don’ts of the music industry or my life story. I am just still trying to figure out which way I want to do it.

BLAQUELINE: You have a lot going on and are involved in many projects, not to mention traveling. How do you make time for yourself let alone a relationship?

LOBEL: I am getting older and when I can, I like to sit around on my couch. There is a gift and a curse with hard work. You might see your family and you might not. When I do travel I try to get out and sight see.

BLAQUELINE: Even with your hectic schedule do you still listen to music by new artists?

LOBEL: I get stuff all day long and listen to music. But I am always looking, however I have to be impressed.

BLAQUELINE: Have you thought about the legacy you want to leave on the music industry?

LOBEL: I tell people all day long that money comes and goes but history stays. I’m just trying to make a little more history if I can. I am going to continue doing whatever God gives to me. I would wish to have a child and leave a personalized legacy.

Steve Lobel is a true inspiration for all those looking to enter the music industry. His honesty, integrity and humility shines bright.

With his long history and infinite connections in the music industry, we couldn't possilby include all of his accolades, pictures and interviews. But if you flip on over to page 39, we have a few pictures that we thought you might like. INSTAGRAM CONSULTING EMAIL