BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 03 | Page 29


Top 10: Ways To Become

A Better Man

Article By: David DeAngelo (

One of the biggest mistakes guys make is being blind to the fact that “the man” you are has a bigger impact on your success with women than anything else. It’s not pickup lines or fancy clothes or losing a few pounds. Who you really are -- on the inside -- plays a bigger role in your dating life than any of those superficial fixes.

Check out these 10 tips on ways to become a better man -- the kind of man women are naturally attracted to.


Learn to identify social status - Learn to see little cues that tell you the “social status” of people around you. For example, a person of high status may seem a bit distracted when he’s talking to someone, while a person of lower status will be giving him 100% of this attention. Or, it’ll be clear to you who has the higher status when you see a man and a woman out on a date and the woman is standing there with her arms crossed and the man has open body language and is smiling


See your self-deception habits - We all play games with ourselves. We avoid seeing some things because they’re too painful. To become a better man, become an expert on your own self-deception habits. Daniel Goldman, the author of Emotional Intelligence, says that one reason self-deception is such a freak show is because the process covers its own tracks. So, when you have one of those rare moments when you actually notice yourself deceiving yourself, grab that moment, work it through and get the lesson. Do this over and over again and you’ll take your personal development to the next level.


Balance learning and doing - In my live programs, some guys will come up to me and say something like: “You teach this idea, but here’s a reason why I think it won’t work.” When someone says this to me, I instantly know that he has never actually tried the idea he’s talking about. If you want to know if an idea works, don’t just study it -- go out and do it. Other guys whine that they’ve tried something a thousand times and it doesn’t work. But have they studied different ways of doing it? No. These guys are all about doing, but no learning. They’re all execution with no theory. You need both. If you’re running into a problem, it’s probably because you’re putting too much focus on one theory and not the others. (continued on page 38)