BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 03 | Page 14



DIAMOND (cont.): Once we are ready we will let people know how they can donate and learn more about the program. This is so near and dear to my heart, because I had the support of my mother, father and my grandmother. I felt so lost at certain points because I didn't know what I was going to do. So I can only imagine how these girls feel who have no one to turn to.

BE: There are teen parents sitting face to face trying to figure out how to tell their parents that they are going to be grandparents. What words of encouragement & advice can you offer to at least help them start the process?

DIAMOND: I would have to say, please do not do what I did - try to hide the fact that you are expecting from your parents. Because at the end of the day your parents are your biggest supporters and they are going to be the ones to help you through it. I tried to hide it because I knew my mom would be disappointed, which is why I hid it. If you are up front and honest you are going to get a better response from them.

BE: What is the biggest misconception that the public may have about Diamond Strawberry that you would like to clear up?

DIAMOND: OMG, there are just so many. I feel that the public has dragged me through the mud. But its ok because it has made me stronger. The biggest misconception is that I am a bad mother. But the way that I interact with my daughter speaks for itself. Another misconception is that I am an air-head and just a pretty face; and that's definitely not it. I would not be the co-founder of a group home if I was an idiot. I would love for people to see me in a different light, but I can't blame them for their opinions because I did act crazy. However there are many more layers to Diamond and I hope people can see that.

BE: Do you view Love and Hip Hop as a job or a setting where you can develop friendships?

DIAMOND: It has definitely been an experience, but it has a great cast and I have developed friendships and I can't say anything bad other than I am disappointed in myself.

BE: When you are not in business mode, how do you relax?

DIAMOND: I like to sit at home with my daughter like I am doing today and watch Spongebob.

BE: Is modeling still an active goal for you?

DIAMOND: Definitely. I have things in the works; modeling and acting. This will give people a chance to see a different side of me.

BE: Tell us what your life looks like after Love and Hip Hop?

DIAMOND: I am in such a good space right now and I am so excited about all of the business opportunities that have come up. Life after Love and Hip Hop looks beautiful.

To learn more about Diamond Strawberry's foundation "A Safe Place Youth Center", visit: INSTAGRAM TWITTER

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