BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 02 | Page 38

BLAQUELINE: Is there something that you think about on occasion and go "Oh man, I can't believe I did that?"

SMACKOLA: For the record, I have not had a threesome, but I have been in some "situations." But honestly fans will not believe that most of the time after a show, I come home and just chill. Ok, but about the threesome (laughing)...they never popped off. But....I remember being at an apartment and some girls invited me to a bbq and to my first introduction to 99 Bananas. As the night went on, I noticed they were flirting with me and right as they went in for the kill, I was eating a piece of chicken and the alcohol caught up with me and boom - I passed out and woke up with chicken bones in the bed...we actually all passed out.

(That was my key to switch back to music) - So I told Smackola about a conversation that I had with someone regarding "The Masons". Which at the time I had no idea what it was.

BLAQUELINE: Do you feel there is some type of secret fraternity?

SMACKOLA: There is. Let's just say for example there is a special group that owns the concert market and you have to go through them. When you get to a certain level, in order for you to beocme successful you have to come see them. If they like you they select you to come in. It means that they will make money off of you and they will allow you to make money. You are joining a fraternity and they have to keep up with you.

--Learn more about this topic on the upcoming audio version on YouTube, it went very deep and Smackola schooled me.

BLAQUELINE: You turned down a 3 million dollar deal, why?

SMACKOLA: Because there was no benefit. I asked the label to give the band 3 million dollars. End of conversation.

There is so much more to this interview with Smackola, including his relationship with his mother, depression, dating and money. Stay tuned as his story is still being written and his journey continues.


of the Dirty Wormz


As we continued our conversation about the music industry and the fact that unlike most people with pets, Smackola has a mini pig named Beasely. Which by the way reminded us that she was the #1 girl. But Smackola opened up a little bit about his personal life and things that he had or had not done.