BLAQUELINE Entertainment Magazine - Issue 01 | Page 22




Domestic Violence...

A True Issue

How Can I Help?

There are endless ways you can help spread the word about NO MORE.

Say it: Learn about these issues and talk openly about them. Break the silence. Speak out. Seek help when you see this problem or harassment of any kind in your family, your community, your workplace or school. Upload your photo to the NO MORE gallery and tell us why you say NO MORE.

Share it: Help raise awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault by sharing the NO MORE symbol and message. Share the PSAs. Download the Tools to Say NO MORE and share NO MORE with everyone you know. Facebook it. Tweet it. Instagram it. Pin it. Talk about it with those in your life.

Show it: Show NO MORE by wearing your NO MORE gear everyday, supporting partner groups working to end domestic violence and sexual assault and volunteering in your community.

What is NO MORE?

NO MORE is a public awareness and engagement campaign focused on ending domestic violence and sexual assault.

Using its signature blue symbol to increase visibility and foster greater dialogue, NO MORE seeks to break social stigma, normalize the conversation around domestic violence and sexual assault, and increase resources to address these urgent issues.

NO MORE is aligned with hundreds of organizations working at the local, state and national levels on prevention, advocacy, and services for survivors.

Who is behind NO MORE?

Every major national domestic violence and sexual assault organization in the U.S. – from men’s groups, to groups that help teens and young people, to organizations serving women of color, and those who focus on families and children – all of them and more are behind NO MORE.



What will NO MORE do?

NO MORE will help end the stigma, shame and silence of domestic violence and sexual assault, while helping to increase funding for prevention efforts. Like the red ribbon did for HIV/AIDS, NO MORE will directly challenge the mindset and behaviors that lead to this violence.

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