BlackFriars Volume 4, Issue 4 | Page 7

Dominican habit. Their habits were made by the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia in Nashville, Tennessee. According to Sister Gail, in the wake of Vatican II, many religious felt pressure to abandon traditional garb. “The mantra was that we should be attentive to the signs of the times. Those signs are very different today. People need to see that we’re committed to religious life.” Sister Christine Cosgrove, O.P. (left), with Sister Gail Morgan, O.P. Prior Provincial Father Kenneth Letoile, O.P. (right), oversees a Dominican Traditions seminar led by Campus Chaplain Father Peter Martyr Yungwirth, O.P. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE INSTITUTES DOMINICAN TRADITIONS SESSION This August, Providence College inaugurated a Dominican Traditions session as part of the orientation program attended by all incoming freshmen. “We introduce students BlackFriars - Volume IV, Issue to the Dominican way of IV life, including our four pillars: prayer, common life, study, and preaching. In a sense, everyone at Providence College can participate in this life,” says Assistant Chaplain Father Dominic 7 Verner, O.P.