Black Marijuana Magazine June 2017 | Page 56

Private prisons profit billions of dollars from overcrowded cells.

The population? Mostly men of color serving time for petty marijuana offenses.

Discover leaked PowerPoint documents and White House Executive reports revealing the racism embedded into the American corrections system.

Let's start by clarifying what type of racism we're talking about. Systemic racism only.

1. Systemic Racism - A policy, government, or system that fosters discrimination of race(s).

Interpersonal Racism - A personal hatred, prejudice, or intolerance of particular race(s). Often based on the notion of superior and inferior races.

2. Interpersonal Racism - A personal hatred, prejudice, or intolerance of particular race(s). Often based on the notion of superior and inferior races.

This article addresses systemic racism as in definition #1.

Addressing individual, interpersonal racism requires serious help beyond the scope of this article...