Biuletyn Klubu Młodych Lingwistów, wydanie specjalne II - 2017/18 special issue | Page 2

15. Festiwal Filmowy Millennium Docs Against Gravity

W połowie maja 2018 Klub Młodych Lingwistów wybrał się na film o niepozornym tytule "Maszyna do pisania'. Reżyser Dough Nichol, który jest jednocześnie odpowiedzialny za zdjęcia i montaż filmu, stworzył w 2016 r. dokument hipnotyzujący spokojem i niewzruszoną wiarą bohaterów w to, co robią. Po seansie nie da się już wrócić do starego sposobu myślenia.

Who says what in 'California Typewriter'

Tom Hanks, ‘I probably have 150 plus typewriters in my collection and I would say that 90% of them are in perfect working order.’

John Mayer, ‘The typewriter doesn’t judge you. It just goes 'Right away, Sir. Right away, Sir. It’s just how you want it to be.’

David McCullough, ‘There is a tactile satisfaction that’s, I think, part of our humanity.’

Sam Shepard, ‘Individually, I think we are a culture but the big picture of a culture doesn’t make any sense to you now.’

Richard Polt, ‘I was having this rebellious moment, this feeling of being sick of a digital world, how intrusive it is. I went to my typewriter and wrote a manifesto [see the next page]’


Those who haven't seen the film should visit the 'California Typewriter' website to get a taste of it all - you'll find there the film's trailer and short descriptions of its vital characters. Make sure not to miss out on the piece about Ken Alexander and Herbert Permillion III, without whose contribution the film would be nothing more than just sophisticated dullness.