Biuletyn Klubu Młodych Lingwistów, wydanie specjalne I - 2016/17 special issue | Page 2

Konkurs odbywa się co roku

The competition takes place once a year as part and parcel of celebrating the European Day of Languages. It accompanies other language & culture competitions organised by language teachers in our school.


The participants are usually first- and second-formers as they are the most active members of the school community, in general. This year winners are:

1. Aleksandra Sobala, 2b, 2. Hubert Kraszewski, 2d, 3. Jakub Mosiejczuk 1b. Congrats!



The quiz questions are usually based on the most frequent source of references nowadays, that is on the Wikipedia. This link directs you to the most appropriate source of information:

1. Języki w Europie