BIS 375 MASTER Think Big / BIS 375 MASTER Think Big / | Page 10

o Differentiate between customers, suppliers, and partners, and explain their roles and responsibilities as related to the organization. o Identify several of the organization’s customers and suppliers. o Analyze the effects of customer demands on suppliers. o Define various ways suppliers may prepare for customer demand changes. o Define various ways customers may prepare for supply interruptions or changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- BIS 375 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What emerging technologies will have the greatest effect on e-business over the next 5 years? Why are industry standards important to the success of e-business? What new opportunities do you foresee in e- business over the next generation? ----------------------------------------------------------------- BIS 375 Week 5 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What two technologies would best improve your organization’s profitability and performance? What new technology has your company adopted that has not had much effect? What factors determine if a new technology will be useful or not? -----------------------------------------------------------------