Bir Kitap Bin Etkinlik 2 Final Dergisi/Etwinning project | Page 17

ÜRÜNLER MUTLULUĞUN RESMİ TABLOSU.. MİCHAELA SCUTARU 9/B (16) VASİLE ALECSANDRİ NATİONAL COLLEGE- BACAU-ROMANİA Happiness. How would you describe it? Do you have a definition for this word? What makes you happy? I think everyone is asking themselves this questions and most of them have an answer. These days I was searching the web and I found a video with an animal shopping center which was showing pictures of cats and dogs who are trying to find a home. What got my attention was a comment that said “Whoever said that you cannot buy happiness, certainly does not know about cats and puppies!” When you look at photos with them, you just can’t help but put on a huge smile and if you are already a cat owner as I have been since October 2016, you will also be nodding your head in agreement. Pet people tend to be happy people. In fact, if you look around at a pet owner, especially those with dogs and cats, they are generally quite happy people. In my opinion and observation, the more involved these people are with their pets, the happier they seem to be. My cat is such a blessing for me. I think she entered this family with a purpose and that was to make everyone in this family happier. Even if she made us suffer when we sterilized her, we’ve got through this and now she is a fat and beautiful cat who just wants to eat and sleep 17