BioVoice News November 2017 Issue 6 Volume 2 | Page 35

diabetes in the world. The current numbers stand at around 70 million people with diabetes but there are more than 80 million people with pre-diabetes and these are the people who will convert to diabetes in the next 5-10 years. According to the International Diabetes Federation, it is estimated that there will be 123.5 million people with diabetes by 2040 but this is only a gross underestimate. “ What does the latest statistics tell us about the impact of diabetes on our women population? Diabetes can affect women in many ways. To start with the prevalence of diabetes in women is equal to that of men. So, when we say that there are 70 million people with diabetes in India, 35 million of them would be women. While women without diabetes are Dr V Mohan, Chairman and Chief Diabetologist, Dr Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre usually protected from heart attack, women with diabetes are as prone to develop heart attack as men with diabetes. Hence the protection from heart disease in women in the From all these angles, it is almost definite that India will have the largest number of people with diabetes in the world” premenopausal age group is removed once they develop diabetes. Women with polycystic ovarian disease have insulin resistance and they are the ones who have a greater 35