BioVoice News July 2016 Issue 3 Volume 1 | Page 48

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Taking into cognizance the changing needs of the economy and to keep abreast with the latest developments and also to meet the needs of skilled manpower in rapidly advancing field of biotechnology , it has been felt that there is a need to revise and update the curricular guidelines for the various MSc , MTech , MSc ( Agri ), MVSc courses of biotechnology .
Therefore , in a giant step in that direction , the Biotech Consortium India Limited ( BCIL ), New Delhi has been undertaking a project ‘ Course Curriculum Revision of Post graduate Programmes in Biotechnology ’ for the Department of Biotechnology ( DBT ), Ministry of Science and Technology , Government of India . The exercise helped in reframing the curricular guidelines for the 12 Post Graduate courses in biotechnology supported by DBT across the country .
The objective of this holistic exercise was also the identification of areas in which the courses need updation through seeking views from various concerned stakeholders and developing need-based curricula in consultation with expert groups .
Atal Tinkering Laboratories is one of the three major initiatives under the Atal Innovation Mission ( AIM ). As part of the Mission , NITI Aayog will fund the establishment of 500 Atal Tinkering Laboratories in schools across India . AIM will also support the setting up of 100 Atal Incubation Centres and provide scale-up support to 10 established incubation centres .
To step up the implementation process of Atal Tinkering Laboratories , the NITI Aayog on June 15 held a detailed interaction with Principal Secretaries and Secretaries of School Education Departments from all States and UTs through video conferencing . It was led by NITI Aayog CEO , Amitabh Kant and Secretary , Department of School Education and Literacy , MHRD , Dr S C Khuntia .
During the hour long discussions , Mr Amitabh Kant explicated the importance of tinkering labs in schools to foster innovative spirit among young minds . “ Atal Tinkering Lab will ensure that young minds give shape to their ideas through hands on do-it-yourself mode and learn innovation skills ,” said Mr Kant . “ This is the first time India is investing substantially in cultivating the spirit of innovation right from children in schools .” He urged states to disseminate all information pertaining to the labs among all schools in the state , thereby encouraging them to apply .
Key features of the scheme also include funding support of Rs 20 lakhs for each Atal Tinkering lab , providing required infrastructure and mentoring support by the private sector . The last date of submission of applications has been extended by a month to 17th July 2016 , from June 17th 2016 , as schools are currently closed for summer vacations .
Monster India , one of the leading online career and recruitment solutions providers in the country recently released the latest ‘ Monster Salary Index ’ ( MSI ). The highlights of MSI indicate that the gender pay gap in India in the healthcare sector stands at 26 per cent - Median gross hourly salary fluctuated : it stood at Rs 216.5 in 2013 , at Rs 240.6 in 2014 and in 2015 , it decreased to Rs 220.4 . The report states an overall gender pay gap of 27 percent in India where men earned a median gross hourly salary of Rs 288.68 , whereas women earned only a median gross salary of Rs 207.85 per hour .
MSI is aimed at empowering jobseekers by establishing a benchmark to compare their salaries with other anonymous profiles across a broad spectrum of industry domains , experience , functional groups both in India and other global markets . For employers ,
BioVoiceNews | July 2016