BioVoice News July 2016 Issue 3 Volume 1 | Page 29

minimum dietary energy norm for urban and rural areas to 1,800 calories and they have not included many other factors like – what is happening to proteins , minerals and micro-nutrients .
Significant decrease in agricultural output
The statistics reveal that by 2022 , India ’ s human resources requirement in agriculture will reduce significantly due to shrinking agricultural land and the rapid movement of farmers per cent growth agriculture growth in 2016-17 , if monsoon turns out to be normal .” Prof Chand also revealed that during 2014-15 , agriculture registered a negative growth of -0.25 per cent while in 2015-16 it was 1.2 per cent .
Although there can be no quick fix solutions , the government is expected to take strong measures to boost rural economy .
Timely remedies and joint efforts required achieve food security we need to deal with the twin issues of affordability and availability . This means we need to have the right solutions for resource efficiency and the right production strategy for key crops . Through the Good Growth Plan , we want to contribute to India ’ s food security and help farmers meet agricultural challenges in a sustainable way . In order to make a measurable contribution by 2020 , we have set ourselves specific targets related to


• No timely access to right technology

• Lack of knowledge on multi-speciality agriculture

• Absence of information on soil fertility

• No incentives on electrical pumps for irrigation

• Lack of fair price regime and any direct purchasing outlet No parallel source of

• livelihood from rural to urban areas .

And the future too doesn ’ t look so bright . As per Prof Ramesh Chand , “ Since last two years have not been good , we have a very low base , so we can expect about six
The agriculture biotechnology giant , Syngenta has come up with what it calls , a Good Growth Plan . Explaining it , Mr Bipin Solanki , Territory Head , Syngenta-South Asia mentioned “ In order to improving resource efficiency , rejuvenating ecosystems and revitalizing rural communities .”
“ With India estimated to add half a billion people by 2050 , farmers will have to grow crops more