BioVoice News December 2017-January 2018 Issue 7 Volume 2 | Page 19

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: for Indian Systems of Medicine Bill, 2017 have also been ¬nalized after extensive deliberations. Further evaluation of NIPERs was conducted and way forward for Pharmaceutical Education has bee suggested. The National Nutrition Strategy formulated following extensive consultative process provides the rationale and roadmap for policy makers to bring nutrition at centre stage of India’s Development Agenda. It focuses on inter- sectoral convergence and identi¬es priority districts to tackle malnutrition and meet the country’s nutrition needs and targets. Establishment of National Council on Nutrition has been constituted under Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog and a Technical Support Unit (TSU) for Monitoring & Evaluation of various programs is being setup. Pushing Reforms in Pharmaceuticals Sector: NITI provided policy inputs for making available affordable drugs and devices. cover story BEttINg BIg ON tEChNOlOgY, ARtIfICIAl INtEllIgENCE "2018 would be an accelerating change for pharma and healthcare industry; players are set to take it to the next level and expected to see a huge adoption of artificial intelligence and big data in treatment process. AI will help healthcare 19