BioVoice News August 2017 Issue 3 Volume 2 | Page 27

amount of interest needed in the biotechnology related subjects is vast and one has to be ready for the long incubation period before reaping the benefits. The more higher research you pursue in the field, the more you refined and experienced you become. The need for the right talent pool in this industry is very important. There are certain issues that need to be addressed at the base of this issue only. One is the curriculum that is offered in the educational institutes and the other being the necessary infrastructure needed to carry out the research. The right training and exposure is also important for the creation of the enriched talent pool required for developing the industry. For that there is a need for the government to evolve a clear cut strategy on employment. Course correction might set the record straight Every year, the hundreds of biotech institutes churn out thousands of graduates and post graduates who don’t have anywhere to go. Is there any plan to revamp the existing structure and have a streamlined process. The business aspect of the biotech cannot be overlooked for long time and needs to be put in place at the right time. Otherwise the whole industry is set to lose in the long run. There are two way solution that can be offered. Those having a flair for corporate world should be given an opportunity in this industry and at the same time the research oriented students should be having ample support to help them in their pursuit. The Indian researchers have been appreciated globally for their calibre and there is no conflict in that. But the translational research has been picked up late and that too is a bitter truth that has to be accepted. In an age where long theoretical lectures have very few takers, the short yet valuable information is appreciated. The subject matter in educational institutes too has to be crisp. A student of pharmaceuticals or biotechnology cannot afford to remain aloof when there are updates on technological interventions across globe. Therefore, what is required is the timely updating of subject matter in a centralized way by superseding the regular bureaucratic setups which bulldoze any efforts of change. BIOVOICENEWS.COM 27