BIO 101 Exam 9 BIO 101 Exam 9

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Buy here : http :// student . land / products . php ? product = BIO-101-Exa m-9
Question 1
Which is a correct description of muscle tissues ?
Select one :
a . Cardiac muscle is found in the heart , blood vessels , and nerves leading to the heart .
b . Smooth muscle is voluntary and represented by most skeletal muscles .
c . Skeletal muscle cells are often striated or banded where actin and myosin filaments overlap .
d . Smooth muscle cells contain many nuclei because many cells fused into one fiber .
e . Skeletal muscle cells are branched and tangled and bound end-to-end at intercalated disks .
Question 2
Why would it make sense to have the birthing process controlled by a positive feedback loop ?