BIG LIFE Magazine BIG LIFE Magazine Edition N°15 - March 19 | Page 58

big life dossier > design Arquitectura del paisaje SIN DUDA UN ARTE, EL DE MODI- FICAR LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS VISI- BLES, FÍSICAS Y ANÍMICAS DE UN LUGAR PARA CONVERTIRLO EN UN ÁREA LLENA DE VIDA A TRA- VÉS DE ELEMENTOS NATURALES. PRESENTAMOS TRES OFICINAS CONTEMPORÁNEAS EN MÉXICO QUE CONECTAN EL DISEÑO CON UNA PASIÓN DESMEDIDA POR LA NATURALEZA PARA ENGALANAR LOS ESPACIOS MÁS COTIDIANOS DEL HOMBRE. 1. landscaping architecture. landscaping is an art, the art of shaping a loca- tion´s physical and psychic characteristics to turn it into a lively natural area. we present you three modern office spaces in mexico that connect design with an overwhelming passion to use nature to embellish our daily spaces.> polen diseño vivo This design firm located in CDMX was the result of a shared pas- sion for nature and design between architect Alejandra de la Cerda and indus- 56 trial designer Ana Julia Carvajal. The main goal has always been to integrate design and vegetation to every possible space to make them more pleasant and promote the coexistence with nature. They consider landscaping an activ- ity that shapes the surroundings with the help of disciplines such as biology, urbanism, chemistry and even sociology. Focused on the relationship between man, nature and space, Polen Arquitectura seeks to promote the value of green