BIG LIFE Magazine BIG LIFE Magazine Edition N°14 - February 19 | Page 34

big life iluminadas con tecnología led nivel atp tres de ellas techadas, dos canchas de pádel reglamen- tarias por el World Padel Tour wpt, una cancha de futbol, un gimnasio, vestidores y una pro shop. Además, para los fieles se- guidores del ganador de 17 títu- los de Grand Slam, Rafa Nadal Tennis Centre Costa Mujeres ofrece también al huésped la oportunidad de conocer el Mu- seo de Rafa Nadal, donde encontramos una exposición única de objetos que representan los mejores momentos de su carrera deportiva desde que era un niño hasta llegar a ser el nú- mero 1 del mundo, posición que ha ostentado en varias ocasiones, trofeos, prendas del tenis- ta además de juegos interactivos y plataformas de realidad virtual. Y es que los éxitos que Rafa Nadal ha acu- mulado en su palmarés tras más de 15 años de carrera profesional, lo convierten ya en una leyenda deportiva. Como tal, posee una cier- ta apariencia de eternidad, como si su hege- monía fuera a durar por siempre. De alguna manera así será pues su legado se transmite día tras día a cientos de personas desde Rafa Nadal Tennis Centre. Cozumel fue el primer destino en el que fijó su mirada invirtiendo en 2013 algo más de 10 millones de euros en una empresa que opera dos hoteles de su propiedad en la isla. In 2013, he invested a little more than 10 million euros in Cozumel in a com- pany that manages two of his hotels in the island Rafa Nadal Academy coaches and the quality that implies. The guests can choose the tennis program and lodging package that fit their tennis and physical needs best. - The sports facilities are impressive, and we have great tennis programs for adults and children. Tennis fans can immerse themselves into a professional atmosphere with the best coaching staff in the world and experience firsthand a high-performance train- ing in what I think is an unforgettable experience – affirms Rafa Nadal. The Centre is built over 62 acres and has eight ATP-level LED-illuminated clay tennis courts – three of them indoors – two World Paddle Courts (WPT) regulations-compliant paddle courts, one soccer field, one gymnasium, dressing rooms and a pro shop. Additionally, the 30 Rafa Nadal Tennis Center Costa Mujeres offers guests the opportunity to visit the Rafa Nadal Museum where we find a unique exhibition of items, trophies, clothing, interac- tive games and virtual reality platforms that represent the best moments in the career of the winner of 17 Grand Slams from childhood until he became the number 1 in the world, a position he has held several times over the years. The successes Rafa Nadal has in his record after 15 years of professional career make him a living sports legend. And as such, he projects an air of eternity, as if his hegemony could never end and, somehow, it never will, for his legacy is transmitted to hundreds of people every day at the Rafa Nadal Centre.