BIG LIFE Magazine BIG LIFE Magazine Edition N°11 - November | Page 64

dossier > tech special #HIGHTECH big life PRESENTES EN NUESTRA COTIDIA- NEIDAD, LOS DISPOSITIVOS TECNO- LÓGICOS NOS RODEAN. FORMAN PARTE DE NUESTRO ENTORNO LLEVANDO A CABO ACCIONES QUE AUMENTAN LAS POSIBILIDADES DE ÉXITO DE LAS TAREAS, PERFECCIO- NAN OBJETOS Y NOS HACEN LA VIDA, SIMPLEMENTE MÁS FÁCIL. 1. WINK. YOUR CONNECTED HOME Luces, seguridad, ocio. Ahora todo está conectado a través de una sola aplicación que permite monitorear y administrar su hogar, inclu- so con aparatos de distintas marcas inteligentes que hasta ahora no podían co- nectarse. Es posible incluso personalizar la forma en que los productos se comunican entre sí lo que nos permite un alto grado de confort y comodidad en nuestro ho- gar, por ejemplo, podemos hacer que las luces y el A / C se enciendan cada vez que se desbloquee la puerta frontal. Con Wink puede ver lo que está gastando in- cluso antes de que llegue la factura, tendrás el poder de saber exactamente qué está sucediendo en tu hogar. HOME #hightech technological devices are constantly around us, present in every aspect of our lives. They perform actions that increase the chances of suc- cess of every task, perfect objects and simplify our lives. 1. wink Lights, security, leisure. With just one app we can monitor and manage everything in your home. Everything is interconnected now, even smart devices from different brands that could not connect be- 62 fore. With Wink we can even personalize the way our devices communicate between each other for our own comfort, for example, we can setup our lights and A/C to turn on every time we unlock the front door. Also, Wink allows you to monitor your energy consumption before the bill arrives. It empowers the owner to take control of everything that happens in its home. > 2. lg hub ro- bot This Smart electronic Butler is powered by the same voice recognition technology as Amazon´s Alexa. All ap- pliances connected with this little helper will respond to voice commands such as «turn on the air conditioner» or «turn off the kitchen light». It counts with an interactive display from which we can access a wide array of infor- mation, such as pictures of the inside of your refrigerator and tutorials on how to prepare our favorite recipe. It can also update on the weather and traffic information, play