Biciklistička transverzala Riječkog prstena Bike Route | Page 8

Kastav 1 CREKVINA Građena je u 17. stoljeću od Isusovaca, u isto vrijeme kad je građena i katedrala Sv. Vida u Rijeci. Zasada nije utvrđeno da li je crkva izgrađena do kraja ili se je nakon dovršetka urušila, o čemu govore lokalne kastavske legende. Sada Crekvina služi kao ugodno šetalište, a u ljetnim mjesecima kao pozornica za kazališne predstave, koncerte i sl. EN The Jesuits started building this church in the 17th century, at the same time as St. Vitus Cathedral in Rijeka was built. Today we do not know whether the church was ever completed, or whether, as local legends say, it collapsed after construction. The area of Crekvina is now a pleasant promenade and in summer months an open-air stage for various theatrical performances, concerts and other events. FORTICA 2 Nekadašnja je utvrda, a danas šetalište i ugodno mjesto za predah u hladovini divljega kestena i lipa, uz prekrasan pogled na Kvarner i Učku. Ulaz na Forticu ukrašava štandar (jarbol za zastavu), s uklesanim riječima Kastav va Ustavnom letu 1861. te ploča s planom Kastva. EN The former fortification is today a promenade and a favourite place to rest in the shade of horse chestnut and linden trees, and to admire the beautiful views of Kvarner Bay and Mount Učka. At the entrance to Fortica there is a flag pole with an inscription that reads Kastav in the constitutional year 1861. Here you will also find a display with the map of the town. OPG VRABAC / OPG VRABAC RANCH 3 Ako se na konju ne osjećate sigurno kao na biciklu, za početak vam preporučamo jahanje uz pratnju ili tečaj rekreativnog jahanja nakon koje ćete dobiti i diplomu. Ako ste raspoloženi samo za gledanje i draganje plemenitih životinja, štala je otvorena za posjete; tamo vas očekuju Halfinger, Posavac, Arapski i Američki kasač. EN If you don’t feel as safe on a horse as you do on your bike, we recommend horseback riding with an instructor or taking a course of recreational riding, after which you will receive a certificate. If you are in the mood for just watching and caressing these precious animals, the stall with various horse breeds (Halfinger, Posavac, Arabian and American Trotter) is open for visitors. Svakako posjetite Also visit 4 Muzeji, galerije i ateljei / Museums, galleries and ateliers 5 Vidikovci (Žudika, crk. Sv. Jelene) / Vantage point (Žudika, Church of St. Helen) 6 Trg Lokvina / Town square Lokvina 7 Loža, Voltica / Loggia, Voltica 8 Crkva sv. Jelene Križarice / Church of St. Helen of the Cross 9 Eko - staza / Eco trail