Bianca bianca (1) | Page 81

- Don ' t worry honey .. We won ' t be late ..
She tried to smile while holding the little girl ' s hand .. Through her black sunglasses she could see worry in her innocent face .. She was still a child who wasn ' t ready for any of this .. She would probably freeze from fear in the bloody place even if no one hurt her , and maybe her heart will actually stop causing a disaster ..
- " Mourad ".. Time isn ' t too late .. We can still back away ..
She whispered to him , while keeping an eye on the girl who went to chase a colored butterfly that sneaked to the place .. He didn ' t even look at her while standing up :
- Sorry .. The young lady will rest for few days at my place till her parents pay the bloody money , then she ' ll return to them safe and sound , and we shall be rich enough to get a fresh new start , which is considered to be a happy ending for everyone .. So can you stop playing the role of the pessimistic character for a minute ..? What can possibly go wrong ..?
Not knowing what to say , she decided to shut up .. Maybe if she just stayed quiet and stopped her brain - which took her to hell - from working for a while , things can actually go fine and the story ends with a happy ending like he was saying ..?
That was when she heard the gun shots ..!!