Bianca bianca (1) | Page 31

4 I was too far now to reach them in time.. Depending upon my knowledge of my wife's strength, I can assume that she will break through the door before me even being close to them. I should think of something else, but what..? I waved at "Mona" that I'm coming right away when I saw her waving at me to come in because "Kamel" was looking for me.. Damn him.. - Have you got anything you can use for self-defense till I reach you..? Silence got over for a couple of seconds, hopefully while she was looking around her for something to use.. For a couple of seconds I only heard her loud breaths and the nerve breaking sound of the steady knocks, then finally came her crying voice: - Just the electric iron .. - Good.. Grab it now and be ready any minute she comes through the door, and I will be on my way and..... I stopped talking on hearing her screams as if coming from hell, there were many loud voices I couldn't recognize.. I shrieked: - What's happening..? No answer to my shouts that started to drag attention, just those sounds that got louder and louder, and then the call just ended.. I walked quickly outside the place, and I bypassed a group of men coming in, while trying to call her number again..... - The mobile you're trying to reach is switched off.. If you want to send a voice message press...... I ended the call then tried calling again.. Same answer.. I went back inside the café quickly and looked around for "Kamel", to take permission off for an hour