Bianca bianca (1) | Page 19

The weird thing was that she started feeling pity , mostly on herself .. Pity that she didn ' t do everything she wished to do .. That she didn ' t tell a boy that she liked him because she was afraid of looking slutty .. That she didn ' t eat everything she craved because she was afraid of ending up fat like her mum .. That she didn ' t treat many people like they deserved because she was afraid of looking cold hearted .
She looked towards the cafe ' s door for a second when she noticed someone entering , but obviously he wasn ' t the one she was waiting for , because she found him heading towards another empty table .. A handsome guy .. Midthirties probably ..? She watched him as he took out a small notebook the moment he sat , and started writing in it right away ..
She decided that she looked enough at him .. Looking more than that would be too obvious .. She looked at the TV in the corner , but it was on the news .. Something about finding the dead body of a guy in his forties .. Didn ' t seem an interesting subject to her , so she looked away ..
She took out her favorite biscuit from her purse , and started eating eat with the hot chocolate that finally came .. Good thought came to her head that she could still taste all this .. In a couple of weeks she won ' t .. Wasn ' t that a happy thing to think about ..?
She took another sip of her drink , letting the soothing taste of the chocolate go through her body , trying to stop her brain from thinking .. But the bastard wouldn ' t stop , just like her eyes wouldn ' t stop looking at the people sitting around her .. The woman sitting with her young girl .. The lonely brown haired girl sitting next to the window .. The handsome guy who didn ' t stop writing since he came .. She found herself looking again at the woman with the daughter .. She thought that , maybe , if she had someone depending on her like