Bianca bianca (1) | Page 149

4 The fat guy opened the cashier's desk, and reached for a secret drawer below the money's drawer, answering: - We keep a pistol here for emergencies.. We can use it to try to save that girl.. "Sherif" asked bitterly the same question I had in mind at that moment: - And you didn't remember the bloody pistol except now..? Why didn't you get it out earlier..? - Because I was under threat smarty if you haven't noticed that.. I was afraid to go get it and make them suspect something and shoot any of us.. "Kamel" - as I knew he was called after that - whispered while walking to the Hall.. A good point of view that made me shut up.. A sense of safety mixed with nervousness spread between the rest of us.. We were supposed to have survived.. why don't we feel the supposed joy then..? Probably because of that girl they took with them.. Curiously, I stood up and followed them.. I wanted to know how this story was going to end..!! ****