BIA BRAND MAGAZINE Fall 2016 | Page 28



As the Executive Producer of The Tabia Pope Show and the Editorial Director of the BIA Brand Magazine, I cross-promote my talk show guests, magazine contributors and image, communication skills and media coaching clients.

I wanted to pose this question for this issue to all the image management brands that I interviewed because I recently turned 30 on June 10th. The question allowed them to share insight into who they are beyond serving their clients or patients.

I conducted behind the brand interviews of image management masters whose expertise provided great insider tips for both high-profile and emerging image management professionals as well as, consumers interested in the entire gamut of image management:

Image consulting, wardrobe styling, hair styling, beauty, grooming, health and wellness, communication skills, personal branding, branding photography, graphic designing, career advancement, business strategy, and affluent lifestyle.

The 30 & Thriving Issue is all about celebrating the coming of age where Character re-imaging is of the upmost importance professionally! Men and women over 30 should start embracing the image and branding transformations that take place. For it can take over a decade to become a successful personal brand and learn how to manage one's image effectively. 30s is not even considered one's prime. However, it is a time in one's life that taking over supervisory roles are needed in order to build credibility and visibility. They often say 40 is the new 30 and 40 is the new 50 because men and women and no longer staying at one job until they retire. They are seeking entrepreneurship endeavors and utilizing their digital footprint to elevate their income to new heights. Therefore, one's image and brand is essential at any age! By the age of 30 men and women should have a firm understanding of who they are and what they have to offer this world! So, what does 30 & Thriving mean to you?