BGSU Classroom Technology E-Mag Summer 2020 | Page 19

class of a population consisting of high school juniors and seniors. The data was collected over 2 chapter units, where I collected the pretest data at the beginning of each of the two units over the material being covered. Then each unit had the students complete four assessments throughout the unit that I collected and checked for completion and correctness where a grade was assigned. Then I collected the posttest data at the end of each unit to see how students performed with the two different strategies applied.

My research showed students overall average grades between the two different strategies were almost identical. Students did perform better from their pretest to their posttest in the digital classroom. However, students turned in more of their assignments with the hard copy strategy unit. Students took better notes in the digital unit and I saw students either not take hand written notes or they lost them or did not bring them to class every day. If anything I would say a classroom with a blend of traditional and digital resources is the way to go. My research shows that going just one way or the other proved to be a greater success in the classroom.

Digital Assessment Resources