BGSU Classroom Technology E-Mag Summer 2018 | Page 15

To begin the study, I used students State Test scores from 4th grade as well as their lexile levels to determine if they were performing below grade level.  I then group students randomly into two groups, one control group and one treatment group. I also gave students a benchmark assessment provided by the district to use as my pre-test data. The treatment group participated in the supplemental online lessons on Schoology while the control group did not. The final benchmark test given by the district served as my post-test.  The results of the action research showed that students that received the supplemental instruction had significantly higher benchmark scores at the end of the year. The implications of this action research are that the supplement instruction was a huge factor in increasing student achievement for students that are performing below grade level. This is a great resource for students that need that additional practice and are entering their current grade performing or reading below grade level. Overall the action study enlightened me on may aspects of student achievement and allowed me to really see how blended online learning could really benefit students in many different ways. The results of the action research showed that students that received the supplemental instruction had significantly higher benchmark scores at the end of the year. Keywords: Please click on  the word for  more information  Blended Learning Environment Supplemental Instruction