BGC News Spring 2015 | Page 10

Donor Spotlight You Make It Happen! Oceaneering Deacons of Deadwood Motorcycle Club Boys and Girls Country is blessed by the generous donors that make it possible to care for our children. The staff at the Houston office of McGladrey, LLP chose Boys and Girls Country as the beneficiary of their recent Birdies Fore Love Golf Tournament. Their enthusiasm for our cause gained them a spot in the top five fundraisers in the country for the tournament! The Deacons of Deadwood Motorcycle Club benefited Boys and Girls Country at their 2014 annual gala. Forty members drove out on a recent Saturday to bless us with their donation! Mac Haik, of Mac Haik Automotive Group, visited our campus recently to impart some wisdom to our kids and provide us with a much-needed sponsorship for our College and Career campus! Sim-Tex L.P. became our first official Corporate Cottage Sponsor with a generous gift for Cottage 1! In late 2014, Oceaneering International hosted their annual charity golf tournament at Blackhorse Golf Club in Cypress for our children! Thank you all for your generous support for our kids and our mission! Corporate Sponsors College and Career Sponsor Cottage Sponsor Save The Date B OY S A N D G I R L S C O U N T RY A N N UA L H E R I TAG E DINNER RD AWA SAVE THE DATE OCTOBER 29 5:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception and Silent Auction 7 p.m. D [