Beyond The Screen I | Page 5


There’s nothing better than summer nights. Going to the boardwalk enjoying the moonlight and the waves crashing against the sand, sitting outside around a fire toasting marshmallows with friends or watching imaginary silver haired queens ride dragons.

With summer also comes the rude awakening that winter is coming (Ha! Get it?) which starts our

7 month Game of Thrones hiatus. Seven long and agonizing winter months without our favorite characters. Game of Thrones is notorious for leaving fans in awe, ESPECIALLY with how they ended season 6. Now, I wont quite spoil it for your friend who still insists that watching Game of Thrones is basic but let’s be real, you know that season ended with you screaming your head off at everyone and everything. It also probably left you with so many questions.

Beyond The Screen decided that it would answer some of those for you, so you can sleep a little better at night. This issue, we recap in detail what’s happened on the show so far and tell you our theory of what’s to happen next. We also decided for all the love-struck girls who unfortunately can’t be Ygritte that we’d give them the back-story of Jon Snow to swoon over.

Since you’ve got 7 months till the season 7 premiere might as well start adding the real life Game of Thrones cities on your bucket list. So sit back, relax on your iron throne, and read up soldier because unfortunately, winter is coming and the wait for the new Game of Thrones season will make you feel like a white walker.

Valar Morghulis,

Charmaine Gomez