Beyond The Gates Beyond the Gates | Page 30

I also had some "visions" of baby animals (kittens and squirrels) — interesting combination. They were under the chest of drawers in my bedroom, but they never I spent a lot of time praying each day, which might have been why I didn't feel pangs of hunger or thirst until later in the week ... as they say, "God works in strange ways!" came out; they just stayed there watching me. This was also unnerving, but I didn't feel threatened by them. One interesting thing to me was that I didn't feel hungry or thirsty during the first few days. Apparently, my mind was taken up with trying to get up and with the "entertainment" (very loose description!) provided by my episodes of imagination. I also napped when it got dark. (I had taken a small pillow from my bed, and I used a small hand towel over my shoulders for a little warmth — very little!) I could reach the light switch in the bathroom with my feet — couldn't quite get there with my hands. So, at night, I'd put it on, in case someone might happen to see it, as it was the only light on in the house. But my bathroom and bedroom are at the back of my house. So that light probably wasn't visible from the street or the front of the house. I spent a lot of time praying each day, which might have been why I didn't feel pangs of hunger or thirst until later in the week ... as they say, "God works in strange ways!" (And I always add to that one: But He works!) Rescue comes... Finally, on Sunday night, April 10th, friends of mine came to my house and called 911 from my driveway