Beyond The Gates Beyond the Gates | Page 29

T his is unfortunately a true story. It happened here in Naples, Florida, this past April 2016. The reason I'm telling you about it is that, with a few basic changes in my preparation for bed, it could have been prevented. Maybe I still would have had the fall, but I definitely would not have had to spend seven days and nights on the floor without food, water or medication! One very important part of this story is that I live alone. My main means of communication are phone and email. Whatever it was, I was not able to help myself. I could not reach the phone beside Also important is that I was unemployed my bed; the computer resides in an- at the time and so had no employer or other room; and my cell phone, where coworkers to notice my absence. all my contact numbers are — as noted The night of Sunday, April 3rd, I got earlier — was in the living room. This ready for bed as usual: my cell phone in was the classic "Help-I've-fallen-and-I- the living room, being charged; a glass can't-get-up" scenario! Little did I know of water next to my bed, in case I need how long this would last ... a sip in middle of the night. I woke up a while later to go to the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the bed, got up ... and My mind takes over... Believe me, during the ensuing days then, I was suddenly sitting on the floor and nights, I had quite a few — I'll call next to my bed! them "episodes," because they were It took me a bit to realize where I totally out of the ordinary: I had times was, then I started to get up ... but I when I thought there were people in could not! I spent the rest of the night my living room but, when I called out to trying to get up by various means — us- them, of course no one answered. I had ing the nightstand, using the bed itself, determined that they were Chinese who etc. — but, although I hadn't broken had come to study the Chinese antiques anything, I found I had hardly any I had inherited from my folks! Truly, I strength in my arms or legs! I wasn't was hallucinating. But at first I was very dizzy, and I don't think I fainted; I ap- unnerved by “having uninvited strangers parently just tried to get up too soon. in my house”! November 2016 - March 2017 27