Beyond. Health and Wellness Magazine June 2016 | Page 7

The number and diversity of this bacteria are so important that certain conditions are even thought to be at least partially linked to allergies, asthma, bowel problems, brain health, immune system concerns, diabetes, obesity, inflammation and even possibly autism. It seems that bacteria health is most important in the digestive system. We know that these bacteria are responsible for breaking down food, producing certain vitamins (such as B vitamins and Vitamin K) and play a significant role in immune function. One of the major assaults to the development of the microbiome seems to happen from a young age now. The following concerns can lead to a decreased diversity and number of bacteria and you can see how this depletion of friendly bacteria happens early on: • C-section births since one of the major ways that babies are first exposed to bacteria are through the vaginal canal • Formula feeding • Antibiotics are taken during pregnancy • Antibiotics are given during delivery • Antibiotics prescribed to young children • 80% of antibiotics in our country are given to animals, so we are exposed to a lot of antibiotics through the food that we are fed • Increased use of antimicrobial products • Many times when antibiotics are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics that are engineered to kill off a large range of different bacteria. These antibiotics, unfortunately, also attack the friendly bacteria that make us up. 7 What can we do: 1. Reduce toxic load. The amount of toxins that we hold compete with the friendly bacteria and kill them off. Assess for any underlying infections, inflammation, or heavy metals and deal with these concerns. Detox on a regular basis. (Check out our 28-day detox Course at http:// courses/28-day-detoxification-transformation) 2. Reinoculate your gut with good bacteria. I truly believe that everyone should take a probiotic for life. My recommendations are to take a different probiotic each time that you are done with one. And the strain number should always be in the BILLIONS. Remember that it is not only about the number of bacteria but also the different strains. 3. Put in fermented foods that help to increase the number of microbes. This includes foods like kombucha, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut. 4. Don’t forget the PREbiotics that contribute to feeding the bacteria and keep the friendly bacteria at a healthy level. This food for the bacteria includes fiber, inulin, and FOS. 5. Have to take antibiotics? That is okay if there is a need and it is for a short period. No worries. Add in the probiotic strain Saccharomyces boulardii while you are on the